CBS - Centre of Biotechnology of Sfax
CBS stands for Centre of Biotechnology of Sfax
Here you will find, what does CBS stand for in Biotechnology under Medical category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Centre of Biotechnology of Sfax? Centre of Biotechnology of Sfax can be abbreviated as CBS What does CBS stand for? CBS stands for Centre of Biotechnology of Sfax. What does Centre of Biotechnology of Sfax mean?The Biotechnology company falls under biotechnology category and is located in and handles biotechnology.
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Alternative definitions of CBS
- Central Broadcast System
- Conception Bay South
- Center For Biological Sequence
- Copenhagen Business School
- Columbia Broadcasting System
- Columbia Broadcasting System
- Canadian Blood Services
- Curtin Business School
View 433 other definitions of CBS on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- CSS Chubb Security Services
- CNCC China National Chemical Corp
- CSHS Cedars Sinai Health System
- CSF Canterbury School of Florida
- CCS Carroll County Schools
- CRM Clinical Research Malaysia
- CCCAPL Consolidated Contracting Company Australia Pty Ltd
- CPG City of Pacific Grove
- CRDCP China Resources Double Crane Pharmaceuticals
- CC City of Caldwell
- CMC Cartersville Medical Ctr
- CBOMS CBO Marine Services
- CCS Cypress Christian School
- CCH Charing Cross Hospital
- CRA California Restaurant Association
- CSI Crane Service Inc.
- CML Caledonian Modular Ltd
- CMSV College of Mount Saint Vincent
- CIRI Caribbean Industrial Research Institute
- CPO Cargill Process Optimizers